Freddie Thompson IV

Brother Freddie Thompson IV
Twelfth  13th District Representative

Welcome to the Tenacious Thirteenth District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. The District is comprised of Brothers who serve Omega around the world and whose Chapters are located outside the continental United States. The District spans the globe and maintains a presence in 16 countries, on 4 continents, across 19 time zones. There are 20 Chapters across this District and we maintain an international presence in Bermuda, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, Germany, Ghana, Hawaii, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, The Bahamas, St. Croix VI, St. Thomas VI, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom. Brothers across the world who are not affiliated with a local Chapter or District are encouraged to join the 13th District and reaffirm their commitment to Omega. This site is designed to retain and reclaim membership and provides Brothers with an opportunity to enjoy the privileges of full or affiliate membership in Chapters within the District.

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Upcoming Events

Zeta Xi Nu Chapter Chartering Ceremony

October 8-15, 2024

32nd Thirteenth District Annual District Meeting (ADM) Announcement Video

“Save the Date”

We are announcing our upcoming 32nd, Thirteenth District, Annual District Meeting in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic, scheduled for April 3-7, 2025.

Unity Day 2024

Unity Day is a day to wear and share orange, sending a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying. It is held on the third Wednesday of October. The color orange symbolizes “Unity” as we join as one

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Anti-Bullying Month Campaign 2024

Since 2006 PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center has led a campaign to prevent bullying during the month of October. The goal is to unite communities worldwide to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. The Brothers of the 13th International

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Fatherhood and Mentoring Newsletter, Volume 11, №. 2

Attached is the Special 84th Grand Conclave Edition of the IHQ Fatherhood and Mentoring Newsletter, Volume 11, No. 2. The 13th International District continues to lead all Districts with the total number of articles featured: 13th District – 14 articles, page 38 –

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Zeta Xi Nu Chapter Chartering Ceremony

Greetings Brothers of the Tenacious 13th District, On behalf of the Zeta Xi Nu Chapter, we are delighted to extend our warmest welcome to all of our Brothers as we prepare for the Chartering Ceremony in Lagos, Nigeria, 8-15 October

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Our commitment to Omega is a lifetime. We encourage our members to consider Omega Life Membership in our Fraternity. For more information, please click on the image above.

The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Federal Credit Union is member owned and operated. Visit us to see what services we offer and how we may be of assistance to you.

No Brother can go back and change what their Omega has been, but all of us can start today and determine what our Omega experience will be.


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