Message from our District Representative


First, I bring greetings from the Supreme Basileus of the Universe without whom none of this would be possible. I am incredibly fortunate and honored to be reelected as your Eleventh 13th District Representative for 2023-2024. My commitment to service and the will of the Brothers in the 13th International District is something I will always continue to hold near and dear to my heart. I am eager for another journey and without question, I know the 13th District will continue to thrive. I assure you that nothing will pass without giving my all to serve Omega and the Brothers of the 13th International District. We truly make the fraternity international.

The 13th International District recently celebrated 30 years of existence in this Fraternity. We hosted our 30th Annual District meeting and the 2023 Dr. Moses C. Norman Sr. International Leadership Conference in Nassau, Bahamas in July 2023. The District has not hosted an event of this magnitude since 1997. As we embark on this incredible opportunity to continue building new and more vital bridges, chart divergent and progressive paths, and live the noble vision of our Founders with commitment, I ask you to join me. Join me in this phenomenal journey as together… and collectively… work to enhance this great District.

The 13th International District will continue to expand as our Founders would be pleased to see how we progressed over the years across the globe. Countries will continue to seek to have Omega in their presence and the 13th International District will answer. The 13th International District has implemented a new strategic plan to incorporate chapter sustainability, metrics, and dealing with today’s challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises that may arise.

The 13th International District will continue to support humanitarian projects around the world. We do not know the future, but we will anticipate and be ready to support. Our website has captured all the magnificent work that is being performed across the world. To continue doing this incredible work globally, we invite you to consider donating to one of our many worthwhile social action projects. To this end, we would be incredibly grateful if you would take a moment to visit our donation page. Any amount will do tremendous good toward uplifting communities around the world.

Thank you for visiting our website and taking a moment to see the impact the Men of the 13th International District are making in our continuing dedication and enthusiasm. May God bless you and your families, the 13th International District, and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Thank you again for allowing me the opportunity to serve in this capacity. Together We Achieve More!

Fraternally grateful,

Freddie Thompson, IV
Twelfth 13th District Representative


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