Yeoman Second Class Lehman Paul Bliss, born November 24th, 1998; embarked on a journey of service
that would shape not only his character but also the lives of those around them. From an early age,
Lehman demonstrated a deep sense of patriotism and a desire to serve their country.
Upon graduating from high school, and attending college briefly, Lehman made the pivotal decision to
enlist in the military, driven by a profound sense of duty and a commitment to protecting the freedoms
and values cherished by their nation. He entered the military with determination and a willingness to
complete his degree and serve his country.
During their time in the military, Petty Officer Bliss underwent rigorous training, honing their skills and
developing the resilience necessary to succeed in demanding environments. Their dedication and
exemplary performance earned them the respect of their peers and superiors alike.
Throughout their military service, YN2 Bliss faced adversity and hardship, but they never wavered in
their resolve. They demonstrated courage in the face of danger, selflessness in their actions, and
unwavering loyalty to their fellow servicemen and women. Lehman’s military career was marked by
numerous achievements and commendations such as the completion of his Bachelor’s Degree, Navy and
Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Good Conduct Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Medal. These
accomplishments reflect their outstanding leadership, professionalism, and dedication to duty. They rose
through the ranks, assuming positions of increasing responsibility and making significant contributions to
the success of their units and missions.
Beyond their individual accomplishments, Lehman was initiated into the Lambda Beta Beta Chapter of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated and displayed immediate understanding of “service to another”.
Petty Officer Bliss participated in Habitat for Humanity resulting in two homes built for disabled families,
Links Incorporated; Hawaii Chapter which provided Stem Cell programs, Blood donations and mental
health awareness to the local community of Hawaii, and as the Health Initiatives Chairman for 2023
Fiscal Year, YN2 Bliss was was paramount in partnering with multiple volunteer groups to displaying
community outreach and comradery amongst the people of Oahu. Chief among these accomplishments is
the participation in the Good Health Wins Initiatives; providing Lambda Beta Beta Chapter with $6,000
of usable funds.
Second Class Petty Officer Bliss’s naval accomplishments, achievements and community outreach stands
as a testament to the values of courage, honor, and selflessness that define the men and women who serve
in the armed forces. Their journey of service embodies the very best of the military tradition and serves as
a shining example of what it means to answer the call of duty.