13th District Meeting Bid Packet

Mission and Purpose

The 13th Annual District Meeting Site Committee is comprised of Brothers from Chapters within the District. Brothers participating in this committee are responsible for supporting the DRs intent of creating and implementing a committee charged with the planning and compilation of Bid Packets, to host  the Annual District Meeting at sites within the District.  The packets will be submmitted by various Chapters, or Cluster of Chapters for presentation at the Annual District Meeting (ADM).  Recommendations and voting for future locations will take place at the ADM based on those packets accepted for presentation.

The purpose of the ADM Site Committee and its sub-committes is to ensure a fair review and assesment of all sites submitted for consideration as host of the ADM.

The ADM Site Committee meetings will take place at least quarterly and will begin the first quarter of the Omega Year following the ADM, culminating at the ADM. The First Committee meeting for the upcoming Omega Year will begin in September, followed by the Second in December and the Third in March of the following year.  The Committee and various sub-committees in conjunction with the Host Chapter and or Cluster will determine if and when additional meetings are required.

The Site Committee Chair and Co-Chairs will decide where each meeting will take place. As physical meeting may prove impractical,  as much as possible meetings will take place Virtually.

The ADM will be sponsored by various Chapters, and or clusters within the 13th District at the direction of the DR, DDRs and District E-Council based on the location selected via vote at the District Meeting. The committee will comprise of several sub-committees charged with specific functions to ensure a free flow of information with limited interruption. Sub-committees (SC) at a minimum will consist of but are not limited to those listed on the SC tab.

Each SC is responsible for submitting cost estimates, draft contracts, predicted ROI, etc. to the DKF, DW&Ms Chair and Finance SC Chair for review and addition to the overall budget proposal.


The Annual District Conference (ADM) strives to provide a forum within the unique environment of the 13th District where Brothers can attend and share a divestiture of cultural experiences in a professional Fraternal environment. Each Chapter or Region/Cluster will have the opportunity to present a bid to host a quality ADM within the regional areas of the Caribbean, Europe/Africa/Middle East, Asia Pacific and the Americas. Each Chapter and Region/Cluster will be able to offer the District membership the opportunity to network and interact with Brothers from across the world.  Discuss regional and international mentoring relationships, learn and share new ideas through the revelation of current trends within each area encouraging involvement in the operation of the Chapter, Region, District and the Fraternity through immersion within the Mandated Programs. Maximize and streamline the utilization of fiscal resources at the Chapter, Regional and District levels. Encourage organization at the regional level and beyond supporting the Fraternity as an institution of service within the communities we serve. Upon completion of the ADM, Brothers should walk away with an increased feeling of commitment, recharged and reinvigorated to continue our path of service.

Chapters and or clusters which are interested in hosting the ADM should begin organizing no later than two years prior to the ADM they wish to host. There is no official rotation process throughout the District. Geographic locations within the region in relation to immediate past ADM will be one discriminator used when evaluating the official ADM bid packets.

Recent ADM locations outside the Grand Conclave are as follows.

Year  Location  Chapter/Cluster
2007  Honolulu, Hawaii  Lambda Beta Beta
2025   Punta Plata, Dominican Republic  Nu Nu Nu
2026   TDB  TDB

Keep Lifting, Keep Climbing!

Bid Timeframe and Presentation

All bids must be recieved by the Site committee no later than 60 days prior to the ADM.  Bids presented at the Annual District Meeting (ADM) are two (2) years prior to the planned host date. In the past, this meeting occured in July at the site of the Grand Conclave.

Changes to the site of the ADM will place the 13th’s ADM within the April time frame in line with the Greater Fraterny.  Bid presentations will include a packet material, including a letter of intent from the Chapter or cluster, as well as a brief presentation to the site Committee.

Decisions awarding the ADM (+ 2 years) will be made via vote during the ADM.  Bid packets meeting the required criteria will be presented during the ADM. Additional information may be requested by Committee members but must be settled (presented) before a bid is officially accepted.

The Host Chapter Chairman (Basileus) is expected to attend all Executive Council Meetings between the acceptance of their bid and the hosted ADM. They are also expected to attend the ADM the year preceding the one their host date.

Lastly, it is highly recommended that as many of the Host Chapter/Cluster Committee members as possible also attend the previous year’s ADM.

Presentation Format

  1. ADM Theme – Create a theme for the upcoming ADM. Ex. “Without Friendship, there is no Fellowship”
  2. Provide a teaser video and map of the ADM site for reference and highlight where each event will be held-Include ADM meeting room, Mandated Program Session Rooms, Vendor Area etc…
  3. Reference vital requirements and outline room capacities, square footage, etc.
  4. Review the budget as thoroughly as possible – include hotel room night cost, registration costs, vendor fees, etc.
  5. Highlight Entertainment ideas and plans
  6. Discuss what the conference site has to offer – pool, restaurants, etc.
  7. Discuss attractions in the local area
  8. Be prepared to answer questions from individual committee members on areas that directly affect their area of experties and community involvement
  9. Present a proposed conference schedule/agenda. The schedule must run from Thursday, 1200, to Sunday, at 2:00 pm local time.
  10. Create a logo for the conference. Although not required, an approved logo can be utilized to raise funds at the local level.
  11. Include all letters of endorsement and support from the site as well as corporate and or munincipal sponsors who wish to support the ADM in their area.


Basic Requirements

Size: Any selected site should be capable of accommodating up to 300 delegates and visitors from the greater Fraternity.

Basic Requirements for Planning and Sub-Committees

Time: The ADM should be held between March 15th and April 30th each year.  Preference should be given to late April dates. The conference schedule should begin Thursday afternoon and end at Brunch on Sunday, with Executive Council (DR) and Committee Meetings (1VDR) held on Friday afternoon and evening.

Meeting Rooms: The main meeting room for 275 members is needed for the Friday Morning’s Welcome/Plenary Sessions; 5-9 rooms seating a minimum of 25 people each are needed for mandated program sessions and other meetings throughout the conference; four additional rooms are needed for the duration of the conference for the Executive Council, Standing Committee, VIP room and Host Chapter/District Committee management area.

Accommodations: The site should be able to provide up to 200 hotel rooms, which would accommodate Grand and District Officers, Delegates, Member and Vendors. A smaller block will be needed for Thursday night and the full block will be needed for Friday through Sunday Morning.

Food Service: The facility will need to be able to accommodate a number of different events with food – dinner for all delegates in multiple locations on Friday and Saturday evening, lunch for all delegates and vendors on Friday and Saturday.  The District Banquet for all delegates and some guests on Friday or Saturday evening, the closing brunch for all District, Chapter Officers and Delegates on Sunday. Breakfasts on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Receptions as required throughout the conference. The facility will need to accommodate a variety of food options (vegan, vegetarian, halal, kosher, etc.). Specific options should be detailed and visible during the conference registration process and again highlighted in the pre-conference information presented via the District portal and e-mail.

Vendor Space: Vendor exhibits at the ADM are vitally important to both the conference and the Fraternity, as revenue from the vendor area assist in funding the host Chapter’s activities during the ADM. The vendor area should be 5,000 square feet and/or be able to accommodate at a minimum 25 10’ x 10’ booths. It is highly recommended to have the vendor space located close to breakout areas or within the general traffic patterns of the ADM site.

Transportation: The Host Committee itself “currently” is not responsible for arranging transportation for conference delegates, however, information should be made available for those who can’t or choose not to drive to the conference site.

Entertainment: The Host Committee entertainment sub-committee (see sub-committee tabs) arranges for activities that delegates can participate in during the course of the ADM. Time frames include Thursday through Saturday evenings once “official” ADM events have ended for the day.  Past conference activities have included: Que-B-Ques, Purple socials, Cigar and Stilettos etc.

Facilities: All ADM, food, and entertainment space and or services should be accessible to all members including those with hearing, vision, and mobility limitations.


Sub Committee (SC)

  1. Site Coordinator – Coordinates with the District Marshall, KRS, and Committee Chairs to confirm the information presented in the Bid Packet to host the ADM.

  2. Housing Coordinator – Coordinates with the Site Committee Chair to recommend suitable locations to Host the ADM (HotelS, Meeting Locations, Colleges/Universities).

  3. Site Setup — Coordinated with the hotel/school event staff to ensures all required documents, furniture, and AV support platforms are in place prior to the start of any meeting, workshop, or celebration/observance during the event.

  4. Registration – Responsible for the virtual and physical registration (if any) and distribution of all required documentation to each Brother prior to the start of the event. Additionally, the registration SC is responsible for ensuring any registration packets/gift packets are distributed at the site within a pre-designated location and time frame/s.

  5. SeQuerity – (Disclaimber- ILW SEC guidelines, Brothers of Omega Psi Phi cannot and will not perform as or act in a security capacity) Coordinates directly with Site Security, the District KP and District Marshall. Ensures local national security protocols and requirements are made available to the DKP in advance of the event. Aditionally the SeQuerity SC is responsible for the production of a WhatsApp like (or suitable medium) distro coordinated with the IT SC and utilized to alert all Brothers on a moment’s notice of a specific action or issue. The creation and distro of an off limits listing as well as a listing (restricted to authorized personnel) of the lodging location of all Brothers when required by the DR/DDRs.

  6. IT – Ensures all technological aspects required to support Grand Officers, the DR/DDRs and various speakers are met. Coordinates with the DKRS/ADKRS to ensure all aspects of the event are recorded and secured for review and distribution by the DKRS/ADKRS. Creates a placeholder within the District portal providing information on the Retreat, registration cost and guidelines for review by all Brothers.

  7. Hospitality – Ensures accommodations at the site are prepared in advance of the arrival of Grand and District Officials. Prepares and staffs the District Hospitality Suite. Coordinates with the District Marshal to ensure all required regalia is stored and made available as required.

  8. Protocol – Coordinates directly with the District Protocol Chair to enforce protocol standards in line with the Omega Protocol Manual.

  9. Greeters – Ensure arriving Brothers are aware of the locations for transportation, registration, rooms etc.

  10. Food Prep – Coordinates formal menus in advance of the ADM with the DM. Obtains, prepares, and provides foods based on a specific event. (This is normally done in the form of a fish fry, BBQ prepared by local Chapters after Social Action, Sport or stepping competition).

  11. Servers – Servers are volunteers who serve food during the event identified above. Servers consist of Que-etts, Deltas, AKA, SGP, ZPB, ES and other Sorority and Service organizations wishing to take part in and or support Omega.

  12. Reclamation – Biennial Events such as the Grand Conclave and Leadership Conferences attract a large number of non-financial or disenfranchised Brothers. The ADM is no different. Each Chapter and or cluster responsible for this event will be required to set up a station with at least two Brothers who are able to verify the identity of the non-financial Brother, verify his status, and immediately implement reclamation procedures outlined by the District Reclamation Chair and DKRS.

  13. Transportation – Transportation has the responsibility to ensure transport for District Officials as well as providing/arranging/recommending transportation for those Brothers who have over indulged. Due to insurance issues, the transportation sub-committee will utilize contracted and enhanced transportation methods such as Uber and Lift to ensure Brothers are safe during the event.

  14. Finance – Each Chapter within the Cluster is required to provide a shared fee and or show the financial requirement in support of the event. The SC will coordinate directly with the DKF and DW&Ms to show how the event will be covered financially. Raffles, Dances and other events may be utilized to offset the cost per Chapter however this must be coordinated with the DW&Ms to ensure viability in order to reduce the impact to the District, Chapter or Cluster if the event runs over budget.

  15. Publicity – Coordinates directly with the DM and District Publicity Chair. Additionally promotes all events locally to maximize revenue potential. All events must coordinated with the Finance SC and preceded by an approved SEC sixty days prior to the event. Solicits support from sponsors locally and internationally.

  16. Entertainment – The entertainment SC is responsible for all entertainment during the event. Dances, socials, cigar outings, wine/spirit tasting, visits to local entertainment establishments, listing of safe shopping areas, sporting, spa, barber and other services are the responsibility of this SC. Any and all forms of “ADULT” EDUCATIONAL TRAINING is not “OFFICIALLY” supported by the District and or the Fraternity.


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