The 13th International District Youth Leadership Conference Committee is pleased to announce the inaugural 13th International District Black History Quiz Bowl. The contest will be conducted via Zoom at 4 pm (EST) on June 8, 2024. The contest is open to all high school students in a 4-person team (One alternate) as they will compete at the district level, and the top three teams will receive a cash prize. All teams will be invited to compete at the IHQ Level Quiz Bowl (Date will be published shortly), which will be conducted at the Conclave via Zoom. Knowledge packets will be sent to the POC upon registration. Chapters may submit up to three teams. The attachment contains the registration form and parental consent form, as each contestant must provide the parental consent form to compete in the contest. Knowledge packets will be provided upon registration. POC is Brother Cortez Pree at Please advise if there are any questions.Â
Note: Chapters do not have to conduct a local contest; they can assemble teams as needed.
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