Exploratory Committee

Chairman: Brother Jonathan Griffin, Sr.

Mission/Vision Statement


Additional Information

*The Exploratory Committee District Report was approved based on the approval of a three-fold motion I made which was appropriately seconded and subsequently Approved by the Body Assembled. This information is included in this email to ensure both Documentation and Understanding of the approved action for the Brothers included in this distribution and serves as an addition documentation for the Record and Minutes:

1. By Motion and Vote, The Body Assembled Received the Report as Information.
2. By Motion and Vote, The Body Assembled Approved the Conduct of the District Annual Meeting being conducted in the District Footprint beginning FY 2025
3. By Motion and Vote, The Body Assembled approved Suspension of the Rule that required a 120 day requirement for update of the Constitution and Bylaws for said action.
4. Approved Motions enable the Exploratory Committee to continue to function in its current and expanded roles as directed by the District Representative as it applies to (a) Continue Oversight of the planning for the 32nd Annual District Meeting scheduled for 3-7 April 2025, (b) The creation of a Gold Beard Advisory Board, (c) Establishment of the Time for Bid Submission for 33rd and 34th Annual District Meeting Locations, (d) Bid Development and Submission to host the FY2026 Supreme Council Retreat within the District Footprint, and (e) Conducting a Feasibility Study of the District’s ability to Host a Grand Conclave and Bid Submission for Target 2028 Conclave.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

My contact information is:
Email: jonathangriffin0@msn.com
Voice (cellular/WhatsApp): (706) 562-5046


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